Friday, July 26, 2013

A collaboration photoshoot with Hannah G-G & Kyle Dunn

Photo Credit: Kyle Dunn 
I have had the wonderful opportunity to do a double-featured photoshoot with two extremely talented local artists, whom I'm also so proud to call my dear friends as well. Our main photogapher, Kyle Dunn, was the first one to initiate the idea of doing a collaboration together -- and after a long & anticipated year of being apart, due to my studying abroad it had felt so great to be out on a collaborative shoot again! 

Photo Credit: Myself // Candid, behind the scenes 

Hannah Gottlieb-Graham is a lovely gal, filled with much creativity and talent -- ranging anywhere from modeling to photography, writing and fashion. Her and I were the main models for Kyle, but alongside we both took photos // whether of each other or of behind the scenes. Overall, allowing the 3 of us to get much coverage of the entire shoot with much variety. 
Photo Credit: Myself // Modeling: Kyle Dunn

Kyle Dunn is an extremely talented local photographer, originally based from the C-U area, but has been currently studying at the Art Institute of Chicago as a photography major. The two of us have done collaborative photoshoots throughout the past few years and I was excited to be working together once again after such a long period! 

I feel as though having the 3 of us together once again after such a long period of time, we were able to really let our creativity overflow. With three independent artists... all with a visual in mind, we were able to combine our talents and create something beautiful. Quickly, we found out that not only did we get along great as friends but also worked really well as a team. Which overall, made the entire experience all the better

Photo Credit: Myself // Model: Hannah G-G

Photo Credit: Kyle Dunn // Models: Myself, Hannah G-G
Photo Credit: Myself // Model: Hannah G-G
Photo Credit: Kyle Dunn // Models: Hannah G-G, Myself
Photo Credit: Kyle Dunn // Models: Hannah G-G, Myself
Photo Credit: Kyle Dunn // Models: Hannah G-G, Myself
Photo Credit: Hannah G-G // Model: Myself 


  1. Love this post!! One of my favorite photo shoots to date :)

    Xo, Hannah

  2. these are beautiful! great job!

  3. thank you both! & Hannah, I have to agree. :)

    Xx, alisa nicholle
